
Welcome to John MacIver's stuff web site! The things that are here are either of interest or in some instances are for
I can be contacted at:
John MacIver,
PO Box 653,
Stover, MO 65078
I have probably too many interests. I have restored antique boats, British sports cars and motorcycles, and other antiques.
I have been working to upgrade our farm and buildings, and have spent a bit of time doing the recreational flying thing. I
received my private pilots license in 2003 and spent five years working on a Zenith 701 airplane from a kit. I sold this plane
project because I didn't seem to have the time to work on it. But it was an excellent kit and project and the buyer had the
plane in the air within a year. This site contains pictures of projects that I have been working on as well as information
and pictures concerning items for sale. I will update the site from time to time.
Just click onto some of the titles at the top of the page to view some of the projects or items that I have for sale.

This is a shot of Duffy and Bell getting ready to work on the many projects we have around the farm. The ball obviously
needs to be moved to a new location, and Duffy has the technology to do it.
Tucker the boxer as a 12 week old youngster. At 11 years old he is quite a bit larger.

Here is an areial view of our farm in Missouri. We raise Sable dairy goats at Sweetbriar Farm. Some of our animals
can be seen on my wife's site at sweetbriarfarm.tripod.com . We also have a smattering of cows, sheep, dogs,
cats and chickens running around.