I worked for a while on weekends at Mystic Seaport in their model shop as an interpreter and I was one of only two people
allowed to work on their own projects. While there they had a large, maybe 6' long, model of Varuna and I really liked the
ship. So I took a lot of pictures of that model and with research at the museum started to build my own smaller model of Varuna
and got it almost completed when the Coast Guard class of 1956 contracted me to build a model of the Coast Guard Training
Bark “Eagle” to be given to the Coast Guard museum as a bicentennial gift prior to the Tall Ship gathering and
Parade in New York in 1976. That model and its name plate can bee seen at this address on my web site at
https://johnmaciver.tripod.com/id1.html at the bottom of the page.
Varuna was a twin screw steam yacht built in 1897 for Eugene Higgins. Designed by G. L. Watson, she was 306' long with a beam
of 35.3' and draft of 17.3' and built by A. J. Inglis of Pointhouse Patrick, Glasgow Scotland. She was one of the most beautiful
and well appointed yachts of her time.
My model of the Varuna with the schooner have been sitting on my desk ever since they were built. The Varuna is a lift model
up to the cabin level with all the paneling hand carved, with the doors having doorknobs. Inside the rear cabin there is a
desk, and the bridge I believe has fittings as well. The plank decks are individual planks of basswood. Two of the small boats
have solid hulls with mahogany decking while four of the small boats are individually planked with mahogany decks and structures.
The outer railings are bought, but the basswood cap rails I built. Most of the fittings and rigging and blocks I made myself.
The outside dimensions of the schooner case are 16” L, 6 5/8”, 12 1/2” T. Both models originally had ivory
name plates, but they have beenchanged to epoxy,Amalthea stating “Model by John MacIver 1972” ,and the new Varuna
name plate says “Varuna built 1896 for Eugene Higgins Model by John MacIver 1974. The Varuna plates ares carved on epoy
and inlaid into the mahogany wood base, while the Amalthea plate is glued to the base. While I grew up in Rhode Island, I
am now living in central Missouri, so I am also concerned about shipping. I have copies of my store license for my store “The
Modelers Nook” in Wickford RI and many pieces of small scrimshaw and one small sperm whale tooth that I have not done
anything with that I had and worked on in the early 1970s.
I am 74 now and would like to have them go to a place they can be appreciated, and I am not sure whether to sell them or what
options I have. I have attached a few photos. My email is maciver.john@gmail.com and my cell phone is 573 286 5455. I have
many other photos if desired.

camera above is a Yashica 44 in good condition. Yashica
– 44 for sale at $175.00
This Yashica-44 is another camera that came to me from my father. It is constructed with metal and has a black wrinkle
finish with gray leather ? Inlay on all six sides. It has a custom fitted leather case, Bakelite lens cover and two lenses
on the front. The top lens reads Yashikor 1 : 3, 5 = 60mm 392935, and the lower lens reads the same except that the last set
of numbers are 393512. Th camera has a jack for remote operation on the front left side and a distance calibration knob on
the left side. The Bakelite film winding knob is on the right hand side (facing the back of the camera), and the collapsible
metal viewing cover has an additional lens that flips up and an inner cover that flips down so the photographer can view from
the back when the camera is mounted on a stand. On the back of the camera is a red viewing port with a sliding cover for reading
the number of photos remaining. This camera was made in Japan and is a fine example of Japanese engineering and lens manufacturing.
This camera is complete and is in excellent shape. This camera is for sale at $175.00

Kodac Duraflex II focusing lense camera. $ 35.00
The above camera is a Kodak Duaflex II which was also from my fathers collection. It is one of the more rare examples
with the adjustable lense. They were built from 1950 to 1954. It is of metal construction with a closing upper viewing port.
There are two lenses on the front, with no markings on the upper one, while the lower one reads KODAR f : 72mm and has
an adjustable focus. Below the lense is a sliding aperature setting lever adjustable from f/8 to f11 and f16. The
neck strap is of black plastic. This camera in in very good condition and is for sale at $35.00 or best offer.

Kodak Brownie Starflash $20.00 or Best offer
This camera is a Kodak Brownie Starflash. This camera was my own when I went off to Boyscout Camp and it has my name
in white marker on the top. Other than that, it is in good condition Questions about this or any cameras on this page can
be sent using the following link.

Kodak Brownie Starmite camera $25.00 or best offer
The above camera is a Kodak Brownie Starmite. It is in good condition. Any question on this or any other cameras can
be directed to my email using the link below or above.

Polaroid One Step BC Series camera $35.00
The camera above is a Polaroid One Step Land Camera. This is a nice 1979s vintage light weight plastic camera
with the rainbow color stripe and is of the BC Series. The camera is in very good condition and is for sale at $35.00
or best offer.

Nikon Nikkorex 8 Movie Camera $75.00
The above pictures of my fathers Nikkorex 8 Movie Camera. This camera was made in Japan and
has an opening viewing sighting lense on the right side (facing the back of the camera) , a Nikkor 1:1.8 f = 10mm
front lense, and an adjustable ASA distance setting on top. There is a remote port on the right side (but no remote) and a
few other dials that I am not sure what they do. There is also a nilon carying strap and a leatherett case with zipper. It
is for sale at $75.00 or best offer.

Kodak EK6 Instant Camera. $20.00 or best offer
The Camera above is a Kodak EK6 instant camera which uses Kodak instant Film PR 10. It has an adjustable focusing lense,
a print control switch and an outside, inside and portrait selection switch. The camera comes in its original box and the
EK8 instant camera mamual. Everything seems to be in good condition. This camera is for sale at $ 20.00. or best offer.

The above camera is a Polaroid Land Camera Swinger Model 20. The camera is in good condition but the rubber eyepiece
is damaged on the lowere left side, and the case is cracked in a couple places and the latch is broken off but in the lower
latch half. There is a red adjustable focus and darkening knob on the top right. The camera is complete and usable. It
is for sale at $15.00 or best offer.

Above is a nice ARGUS side mount flash attachment. I do not have the camera that it fits on. The bottom unscrews for
the insertion of batteries and is for sale at $10.00 or best offer.