This is an old
wooden carpenters scribe that I found in the eaves of my old house in Rhode Island. The house was built in the 1930s, and
it appears that one of the carpenters left his scribe behind. The scribe itself is not exceptional, but the coin that he used
to make the wood marking wheel makes this an exceptional find. The coin is a 1787 Fugio cent and I think that I have a rather unique item here. This is an old wooden carpenters gauge that by itself would
be worth only about $15 to $20 . But at some time in the past, the carpenter owner made a measuring wheel out of an old coin
and attached it to the gauge with a screw through the middle of the coin. He also filed measuring marks around the exterior
edge, so that when he ran the wheel over the wood, a set of marks would be pressed into the wood. I am sure that this carpenter
used what he thought was just another old coin, and I suspect that when he added the wheel to his scribe, these coins were
probably more common. The coin that he used was a 1787 Fugio cent. This scribe was found up in the eves of my old house that
had been built around the 1940s in Greene Rhode Island, probably where the carpenter left it. Because it had less wear as
a tool than it would have in circulation, the coin is in very good condition except for the hole in the middle and the file
marks around the outside. I suspect that the scribe and coin should remain together, and that they each add to the value of
the other in their present state. Of course it would be nice to have this coin without the hole and file marks, but then it
probably would not be around today. I have been unable to narrow it down conclusively, but a knowlegable and helpful
fellow on the internet told me it is a 12-N.2. These are a few shots of the item, and I have others and can get more.
This item would be a welcome addition to both a coin collector or an antique coin collector. I am looking for $750.00
for this unique coin and carpenters scribe.

The antique wagon parts and spreader pictured below have all been sold.
This 1930s era New Idea Horse Drawn Manure Spreader has been sold. Lot No. 129, Refurbished in 2005. I had no offers
on the spreader, so I have been using it on the farm until it was sold recently.
I built another draw bar with a regular reciever hitch on it, and pull the spreader with my pickup truck. I can then use the
tractor loader for cleaning stalls and loading the spreader. This system is easy and works well.

This nice looking horse drawn #8 machine with wood body was manufactured by The New Idea Spreader Co. of Coldwater, Ohio.
The wood is in reasonably good condition concidering its age, and any bad wood or broken parts have been replaced. It has
not been restored to original because I have had plans of using it on the feilds, so things like the bearings on the beater
bar have been replaced by modern roller bearings. Appart from using it for farm work, the spreader would look good as a static
display, and always gets approving comments by visitors to the farm.